Device Type: desktop


A business resource management system that centralizes all the interactions.


Kaveret CRM. Easy to Manage! Kaveret is much more than a CRM system… Kaveret CRM is a business resource management system that centralizes all the interactions that took place between the organization and individuals, suppliers, employees, and companies, in all channels and provides you with a comprehensive solution for effective business management. Yes, it’s as simple as it sounds! All in one software; simple interface and without tedious excel sheets


Seamless Communications Matter More Than Ever, customers expect us to be Everywhere. With Vonage Communication's APIs integrated into the Kaveret CRM platform, we can provide omni-channel communication to our customers and enhance both overall customer experience and customer satisfaction. Helping our customers to Engage with their customers across all platforms.


Use Cases

  • Vonage: empowering us to create exceptional customer experiences.
  • WhatsApp interface: By embedding messaging into our omnichannel chat experience, we can engage customers in a continuous conversation on the channel of their choice. Sending notifications, customer service messages, and essential information our customers need on WhatsApp.
  • SMS-Magic: and Vonage combine to build innovative, unique experiences sending text messages to customers and receiving text messages into our system, improving customer support by reducing service ticket time and integrating chatbots and customer support.
  • VOICE STUDIO: With voice-activated virtual assistants, we’re on the verge of an enormous shift in how we interact with our customers creating audio and written bots for their customers.
  • Kaveret website